Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Here I sit near the softly snowed slopes of Lake Tahoe on the first day of a getaway with my beloved. It's quiet in this inn and with the room now to myself I'm left with this journal and emotions to script. Yumenji's Theme Song from the In the Mood for Love soundtrack spins seductively.

Unlike most Tuesday mornings I'm not sitting at my work bench surrounded by baubles, beads, bits of silver and branding tools. Instead of having this studio filled with objects for my creative whims I have this luggage with baubles, beads, bits of silver and branding tools. am i addicted or am i addicted to the act of creation?...?

No they won't be naming buildings after me.
So I make mini art named after my heart to carry on what I stand for.

My friend Audrey asked the other day what my goals are with my business of making jewelry.
My thoughts are this~ to make it my business to create continuously consciously and cosmically for as long as I remain blessed with the gift.